Total number of photos: 24194


Arthur Bartels, Felix Otto, Eva Viehmann, Hugo Duminil-Copin, Joachim Schwermer, Karen I. Aardal, Markus Reineke, Bernhard Keller, Gerhard Huisken, Alessio Figalli, Eric Cancès, Sébastien Boucksom, Colin Guillarmou, Matthias Hieber, Eero Saksman, Stephan Klaus, Corinna Ulcigrai, Sara van de Geer, Jean-Benoit Bost, Alice Guionnet, Friedrich Götze

On the Photo:

Occasion:Sitzung der wiss. Kommission (hybrid) Sa 9:00 - 12:00 und 13:00 - 15:45

Location: Oberwolfach

Author: Lein, Petra (photos provided by Lein, Petra)

Source: MFO

Year: 2023

Copyright: MFO

Photo ID: 25823

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